I finally graduated from VanderCook on July 25th! Woohoo! No more degrees for me ;) It was a great concert, although I was sad I couldn't sing in it being that I wasn't in classes this summer, and graduation went really well too! Yay for a jump on the pay scale!
Brendan has become super mobile...baby-proofing has commenced. He's not "crawling" per se, but he's totally scooting and rocking back and forth on his knees. He also does a push-up thing now, too, like he's going to start doing a bear walk. Not sure what that's about, but it's really cute. He also tells me no when he's full! Well, okay, not VERBALLY, but he does shake his head back-and-forth, which is so funny!
One thing I really worked on with the dog before Brendan came was showing him the difference between his toys, and the baby's toys. He has been absoulutely great with it! One thing I did NOT anticipate, which I totally should have: Brendan stealing Pepper's toys. He just adores this red, rubbery chicken thing Pepper has, and I spend most of my time trying to pry it out of his hands. By the way...if anyone has any idea how to take something from a baby and successfully replace it with something else, please let me know. We're getting into the sobbing if we don't get our way phase, and it's getting old real fast! For example, just a few minutes ago, mister man wanted to chew on Pepper's tail. Well, Pepper is VERY loving to Brendan, but obviously does not want his tail to be munched. So he gets up and tucks his tail under him. Brendan starts crying like he's injured. Repeat with various items and this is now my life. :)
Other than that, nothing else is going on at all! Hard to explain why I'm always so busy, but never know what I did. Oh...there is one thing. A couple days ago, I sweetly took Chris's clothes off the bed to wash them while he was in the shower. I checked the pockets, took out his wallet, and threw in the load of clothes. I sat on the couch, and literally 1 minute later I hear, "Hun...where's my phone?" Ummmmmmm........ =/ I saved it as soon as I could, knew where to find it because it was glowing (yikes?) took out the battery, and had it all in uncooked rice overnight. Well, the rice failed, but Marta, the wonderful tech at Verizon gave me a nice refurbished phone to replace the one I washed. She saved me $350 and I'm forever grateful to her for that!
Yay for graduation!!!! :)