Monday, August 17, 2009

Dear Pepper,

I so very much appreciate the fact that you are an awesome watchdog. You bark at every ant, person, and dog that comes by in the most vicious bark imaginable. Sort of laughable on our end, knowing that if any of these characters actually came in the house, you'd be soooooo excited to show them all how much you love them alllllllll, but since they don't know this, I appreciate your bark without the bite.

However, Brendan has napped for a total of an hour and a half today. If you could PLEASE refrain from barking quite so ferociously while he is sleeping, we would so appreciate it. I promise that nice, elderly couple walking down the street will not come get us. Oh, and put your fur down. We don't believe you for a second.

Your Humans


  1. Honeywell floor fan. It will cost you $15 and save you months (and months) of interrupted naps. (White noise. Can't live without it.)

  2. We do have a white noise machine already, actually. :) Pepper is just so freaking loud that he totally overpowers that AND the fan we have going. Sometimes I think this is why a little dog would have been a smarter choice ;)

  3. :) Maddie has started barking more now that the baby is here. I'm glad she's protective...but seroiusly. I feel your pain!

  4. Little dogs have such high pitch though... and I believe Pepper. He didn't like me for a while after Brendan was born. lol
